Monday, June 12, 2006

Precious moments.

Little Ellie's growing up very well. She's smiling, giggling and cooing more often nowadays.

Oh how I treasure these moments when she looks into your eyes and smile that trillion dollar smile. That innocent look. I wonder if she'll still retain that innocent smile when she grows up.

Her favourite exercise after one of her meals is kicking me on my chest and tummy. After she finishes her milk, I would burp her (Lina feeds and burps her most of the time, btw) and after that, I'd carry her facing me, resting her bum on my left palm and supporting her neck with my right hand. Then, she'll start her exercise. She seems to be enjoying it very much because after every kick, I'd pretend to gag, show signs of pain and she'll grin and coo and sometimes, she'd even talk to herself in her own language. I've yet to decipher what she's trying to say but... oh well, at least she's happy and enjoying what she's doing.

Me? I enjoy looking at that innocent grin, smile and cooing. You rock my world, little Ellie!

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