Thursday, December 01, 2005

5th Appointment - 19 weeks

Douglas seemed to be much busier than usual so there wasn't much joking around today, except for the very first question he threw at Lina, "Have you eaten" in Hokkien. To which Lina replied, "HAR?" as she was caught off-guard by his question in Hokkien.

After that tiny episode, things were pretty much the same. Questions of how Lina felt, how is her appetite, problems, if any, so on and so forth.

Douglas went through the various lab test results with us. Everything seemed to be fine except for Lina's Haemogoblin (I hope I got the spelling right) count was quite low and she was prescribed some iron tablets to boost her blood count.

As for the scan, this time we could actually "see" on the monitor that our child is sleeping (99% of the time in the womb is spent sleeping) face down. We could make out her spinal cord and her little limbs. Douglas must have been so busy that although he took the measurement of our baby, he forgot to type it onto the image before printing it out for us. We also forgot all about it until we were comparing the latest image with previous images and realised that the measurement was not included.

Our next appointment with Douglas will be at Mount Elizabeth where Lina will take the detailed scanning and/or 3D scanning. Appointment date has been fixed on 22nd Dec. A Thursday. It will be a morning appointment so I guess Lina would be most happy to be going shopping after that. (:

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