Friday, November 10, 2006

First Incident

8th November 2006.

I was in camp, getting ready for our roll call when I received a call from my mother-in-law. I had a bad feeling about it as receiving a call from her early in the morning doesn't look good at all especially when she's helping Lina and me look after little Ellie.

She told me when Ellie woke up in the morning, her left arm was pinned under her own body and she probably might have caused a vein to shift out of place. She cried non-stop, even when my father-in-law brought her outside for a stroll, which was her favourite.

Little Ellie couldn't move her left arm and she was grouchy and listless. My parents-in-law brought her to KK Hospital and Lina met them there.

The doc held little Ellie's arm up, straightened it and bent it towards Ellie at her elbow and the vein snapped back in place. Right after that, little Ellie brightened up and started banging on the doc's table and even attacked the small container of sweets.

Poor little thing. To go through such experience at a young age. Hopefully, this experience could help her not to sleep in awkward positions in future.

All of us were so worried about her and couldn't concentrate on what we were doing. I was especially frustrated that I couldn't go off just like that since I'm on course. Hwoever, later in the day, I managed to squeeze some time off from my platoon commander to go back and see Ellie.

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